Thursday, December 7, 2006

I was joking before, now it's a streak

Just in brief, our team won 4-1 last night, our third in a row! Just to provide some context, our team lost our first seven games, coming out only with a tie. The same team we tied later beat us 3-1. A couple of new players, and all of a sudden we have won the last three games in a row. I did take a shot in the shoulder last night though that has left me in a little pain. Suck it up J-Bo.

Tonight is our staff Christmas party, and I will be hosting it at my house. I'm thinking it's going to look something like above...oh wait, maybe that's the Dirtyhot Christmas part-eh. Only time will tell. Just a little imbibement, some munchies, should be excellent. Not sure if I will go out afterwards, we'll see who all is up for it.

Check out the Dirtyhot bloggers as they have posted a Coke and Mentos experiment. It's basically three girls spraying diet coke all over themselves with a little dog running around...hmmmm...does sound dirtyhot, doesn't it?


Sarah said...

People are going to be disappointed when they see we are wearing plaid jackets and workboots. How dirty hot is that? See yah tonight J-Bo!

Burginator said...

Do you hear that sound? What is it? Oh, it's just the hits on our blog sky rocketing. Thanks for the shout out Bow Tie!