Not a whole lot. haha.
Margo and I have a new member of our family whom we are looking after "indefinitely". A 5 year old Calico named Peaches. Peaches is beautiful, but she likes to wake us up at 4am to be let outside. When she wants back in, she jumps on the screen outside our bedroom window. She is really LOUD, and she knows you are trying to ignore her, so she gets LOUDER!!! But she is sweet.
Work is busy as always. I've been doing a lot of cataloguing as well as doing a lot of reference work for the bosses of the province.
Heroes was AWESOME this week, Lost was pretty fantastic as well.
Vancouver - Ducks series has been wicked to watch, mostly because I will be happy with whichever team wins. Actually, I hope whomever wins will go on to win the cup. Its a toss-up between Giggy and Luongo. Ducks have more firepower though. Ottawa and Jersey, I kind of wish they could just knock each other out of the playoffs. Love Brodeur, I have a severe dislike for Emery. He should take up boxing, maybe.
Finally, new Elliott Smith is out next week! I know you are all just as excited for this release as I am! We will have a listening party which will culminate in our stabbing ourselves to death from its beauty.
This weekend: Cuban Rum and boxing event at the Coliseum! I will be boxing, sporting my new Ironman outfit!
Dear Mr. Bowie!
You need to post more often! I need something to read at work! LOL
interesting read dude! I added your link to mine. keep up the good work!
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