Wednesday, December 6, 2006

50 Worst Songs...this is awesome

Blender Magazine's List of Top 50 Songs of All Time

I found this posted on a giraffecycle forum post and it is hilarious. Here is an excerpt:

28 JOHN MAYER“Your Body is a Wonderland” 2001Get this man a cold shower

“Ohhh,” the women of the world sigh, “why can’t I just find a nice guy — you know, someone who’ll compare my breasts to a theme park?” Yearn no more, ladies! Drool never sounded as sweet as it does on this slow-stirred ode to daytime sex — but even from the otherwise charming Mayer, it’s still drool. What’s more, sunny acoustic guitars belie some creepy undertones: When Mayer rasps “Discover me discovering you” and “I’ll use my hands,” it sounds as though he’s sitting in a dark room, playing pocket pool to a camera he planted in the women’s lavatory.
Worst Moment Mayer describes the “deep sea of blankets” on his bed. Ewww!

BAHAHAHA. There are definitely a ton of bad songs on there, some not so much. But come on, it's a top whatever song list published in a music magazine, so go in with your humour turned on. That leads me to an interesting idea: What are some of the worst songs by some of your favourite musicians? Think about it. I'm sure most music fans can admit to a song, or even an album by our favourite artist or group that proved them infalable, and yet we still love them!

For example, I loved Liz Phair's 'Exile in Guyville'. Well written, empowering, riot-grrrl-esque and yet, you still want her to be your girlfriend. But come on Liz, how 'bout that self-titled from 2003? Straight off a Dawson's Creek soundtrack. Just because you had kids, that's no excuse o lovely one. I mean, for God's sake I saw you perform on Regis and Kelly!!! 'Why can't I breathe, whenever I think about you?' Are you talking to me, or Pacey Whitter, seriously? A little bit of my libido died that day.

Any suggestions kids?
(p.s. My undying love for you remains Liz!!! Let's jam on a baby, whaddya think?)


Sarah said...

I'm pretty sure a lot of artist have a song that was featured on Dawson's Creek that they aren't especially proud of. It doesn't matter though, because when Pacey and Joey fall in love it's all worth it. I heart Pacey.

theSquaredanceKid said...

well I hearted Joey a bunch, but she was supposed to end up with Dawson. And who did he get? That bitch of an actress. Life isn't fair, and neither was some of their choices for their soundtracks (except for that song I will not name by the band Six Pence None the Richer). And I am NOT bitter! God, I do sound pretty gay however.

I'll just remind everyone in blog land that I play in a punk band and I play hockey. I'm very manly!

Burginator said...

I heart Dawsons Creek.
I heart John Mayer.
I heart all things Pop Culture.
I think having your song played in the background of Laguna Beach while the kids of Orange County experience their last formal together would be awesome & special... but I dont make music... I just dance to it.

theSquaredanceKid said...

can you believe that Rocky actually took Alex to the prom?!?!?! What was she thinking?!?!

_ said...

yup....very manly....definately. hehe