Us - 5, them - 0!!!
That's right, yours truly registered his first shutout of the season. Now, granted, I didn't have many shots and was not fiercely tested. But I didn't screw up, and held on. Wicked.
They weren't a great team, but I am finding my focus getting better, and our team is scoring goals. So it's all good.
The annual Christmas Cover show is coming up and I will be performing with my bro, Jonnie P. of Scarecrow Blues and Age of Dayz fame, Zach from the Crapital who plays with On Vinyl and my good buddy Shithead. We will be covering the guys in the upper right hand side.
Gotta go work the desk, more details soon...
Will Merry Christmas (War is Over) be a staple in your Christmas show?
Well, since we are covering Thrice exclusively, I don't think that its in the cards since I've never heard Thrice cover it.
However, I do have two other Christmas shows I'm playing. So far I only have Washington Square, a Christmas tune by Chris Isaak, but I'm looking for others to do. I love that Lennon tune. Need a pianist.
Hmmm, a pianist eh? Sorry can't help you there. I am musically retarted. Chris Isaak is dirty hot.
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