Step two: Get thy hungover arse to the Fredericton Boyce Farmer's Market
Step three: Purchase a strawberry-banana smoothie from the folks on the far wall of the new section
Step four: Smile at the well-frocked cuties selling organic veggies from Mark
Step five: This is essential, approach the cheese stall on the near wall, just beside the entrance of the new section. Don't be dismayed by the line up. Ask one of the lovelies for 1/4 to a half pound of the buttery goodness pictured above.
Step six: thank me.
currently listening to: CBC radio one, streaming
website for the day: Heffel Art House Auctions
You forgot to mention the joys and challenges of running the 50 metre, aromatic gauntlet that is the suite (sweet) of BBQs that span the distance from the street to the central market area. If the pad thai and sweet potato dollar chips don't get you, the buffalo burgers and ke-bobs most certainly will!
You got me kid! The only thing I can play is recorder. Awwwww.
Mmmmmmm Cheese.
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