Christmas party season is upon us. I will be hosting my co-workers at my new house this year. Should be a good time. None of my co-workers have been to my house or witnessed the J. and M. parté before, so I hope I can put on a good fête.
But what to do for entertainment. I know they just want to eat drink and be merry, but I would like to have some kind of activity to keep the party going. I'm thinking about some Northstar girls, maybe a roulette table? So far it's my only Christmas party so I would like to make it memorable. Regardless, I have a bunch of wine, so I'm hoping that fact alone will inspire some holiday entertainment.
Having an ugly day today. You know when you look at yourself in the mirror and say 'God, I shouldn't be out in public. Kids will run away screaming,' ? Maybe not. Some people are just always gorgeous. Be confident Bowie! Maybe tomorrow I'll brink sexy back
Currently Listening - NoFX, the War on Errorism
Website for the day - DOSE.CA
You think you look bad? You should see us right now, post reggae.
how are the Dirtyhot ladies today? Was raggae night a success? I guess it must have been considering the substantial lack of blogging happenin' today. Did you at least make it to breakfast?
Ha! We made it to breakfast, and we also did a little experiment involving coke and mentos...Stay tuned. It's all on video.
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